Climate positive Every Order is Climate Positive
We plant a tree for every order, reducing carbon and creating jobs. Learn more.

Take Back Services
CTL’s electronics disposition and disposal services include removal/recycling of qualified CTL electronics equipment, including rechargeable batteries and packing. CTL allows customers to optionally keep the hard drives associated with the system that is de-installed. Equipment and packing are cleansed and recycled/disposed of according to EPA standards. Visit our Electronics Take Back page to learn more.

Battery Recycling Rechargeable Battery Recycling
CTL offers stand-alone rechargeable no-cost rechargeable battery recycling services for customers in the US and Canada for all CTL products. CTL offers this service through a partnership with Call2Recycle. Call2Recycle has drop off locations within 10 miles of more than 87% of the US population. To find a location near you, visit