Closing the Gap with Kajeet: A Safer Internet with Access for Every Student

Closing the Gap with Kajeet: A Safer Internet with Access for Every Student

CTL Partners with Kajeet to Close the Digital Equity Gap According to recent studies, 7 in 10 teachers assign homework that requires access to broadband. According to the Pew Research Center, over five million households with students do not have broadband internet service. The Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) study, “Taking the Pulse of the […]

CTL Partners with Kajeet to Close the Digital Equity Gap

According to recent studies, 7 in 10 teachers assign homework that requires access to broadband. According to the Pew Research Center, over five million households with students do not have broadband internet service. The Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) study, “Taking the Pulse of the High School Student in America”, found that nearly 50 percent of all students said they have been unable to complete their homework because they didn’t have access to the Internet or a computer.

CTL recognized the need to include a digital equity solution in our implementation of 1:1 solutions.

CTL has partnered up with Kajeet to ensure that students are able to check out Kajeet SmartSpot devices overnight from their school library and use them with their CTL Chromebooks.

Kajeet is the industry leader for safe, mobile student Internet connectivity.

Kajeet’s mission is to close the Homework Gap in school districts across the country. Kajeet provides an affordable mobile broadband solution that connects low-income students to the resources needed to complete homework. The Kajeet SmartSpot solution, a portable Wifi hotspot combined with the innovative Sentinel cloud portal, enables administrators and teachers to provide CIPA-compliant, customizable filtered Internet access that keeps students safe and focused on school work and provides mobile Internet connectivity for education without the worry of data abuse. Kajeet’s products and services operate on three national 4G LTE networks.

“Mobile hotspots have made it possible for us to bring the world to ALL of our kids despite their resources. We are so fortunate to have this solution for our students in need,” said Susan Jensen, Principal of White Pine Middle School in Ely, Nevada.

“There are many, many students across America without the Internet at home. Together with CTL, we are thrilled to address this very critical issue, specifically in Nevada,” said Daniel Neal, CEO and founder of Kajeet. “As teachers increase their reliance on technology and Internet resources to achieve success in the classroom, it is essential for school administrators to ensure their students have not only the right tools to do homework but have those tools accessible when needed.”

“By partnering with Kajeet, CTL is helping to improve access for students who don’t have the resources to get their homework done at home,” said Erik Stromquist, President, CTL. “Combining our laptop devices with the Kajeet SmartSpot means that together we can level the playing field for all students, and close the gap in digital equity.”

The Game is More Fun with a Leveled Competition

All youth should have access to education, and with the changing landscape of technology’s role in education, CTL is proud to step up in assisting with 1:1 solutions and build partnerships that help close the gap in digital equity and provide equal access to technology for all students.

If you’d like to learn more about getting Kajeet for your CTL Chromebooks for education, contact us today!

Join us February 21st for a webinar from Michael at Kajeet, where you can learn more, ask questions, and see a live demo. Register now.

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