CTL® is Proud to Sponsor Tech Trek Technology Camp for Girls!

CTL® believes in equal opportunities for anyone seeking a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Unfortunately, girls are not always encouraged to seek professions in these fields, known as STEM careers. The landscape is rapidly changing, however, thanks to local groups like Chick Tech, and national groups such as the American Association of University […]

CTL Sponsors Tech Trek CampCTL® believes in equal opportunities for anyone seeking a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Unfortunately, girls are not always encouraged to seek professions in these fields, known as STEM careers. The landscape is rapidly changing, however, thanks to local groups like Chick Tech, and national groups such as the American Association of University Women (AAUW).

This summer, the AAUW is expanding their Tech Trek summer camp for girls to five new locations, and CTL is proud to be a sponsor! Tech Trek is a week-long science and math summer camp designed to develop interest, excitement, and self-confidence in young women who are entering the eighth grade.  In the Pacific Northwest, AAUW Washington will host a camp at Pacific Lutheran University, near Tacoma, WA from July 21-27, 2013.

Tech Trek started in 1998 with one site in California and in 15 years grew to 10 camps on eight college campuses across the country. AAUW is expanding the camps to five new campus locations in the summer of 2013 through partnerships with their branch, state and member leaders.

Attending camp on a college or university campus helps girls — especially those whose parents may not have gone to college — to see themselves seeking higher education. The university campus experience gives girls a chance to think about the kinds of opportunities a college education can afford them.

Girls are immersed in a world in which they are empowered by their capabilities and encouraged to think about themselves not just as young women but also as future scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists.

CTL®’s donation will help cover the cost for field trips, which encourage maximum interaction and instruction in environments where STEM professionals work. We’re proud to support this camp that encourages young women to explore careers that help to shape technology!

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