It’s a Great Time for a New Windows PC and Upgrade to Windows 10!

Windows 7 & 8.1 pre-installed PCs No Longer Available Now is a great time to buy a new Windows PC, laptop, or tablet. As of October 31, 2016, new Windows 7 and 8.1 pre-installed devices will no longer be available. If you’re in the market for a new PC desktop, laptop, or tablet, this is […]
Google Apps for Education Now Called G Suite for Education Reading It’s a Great Time for a New Windows PC and Upgrade to Windows 10! 3 minutes Next Introducing Google Cast for Educators

Windows 7 & 8.1 pre-installed PCs No Longer Available

Now is a great time to buy a new Windows PC, laptop, or tablet. As of October 31, 2016, new Windows 7 and 8.1 pre-installed devices will no longer be available. If you’re in the market for a new PC desktop, laptop, or tablet, this is your chance to upgrade to Windows 10 and take advantage of the features available in the latest OS. A major goal of Windows 10 is to provide a much simpler learning curve than previous Windows versions. When you purchase a new Windows 10 device from CTL, you’ll get the benefits of the latest technology without having to spend a lot of time learning to navigate through your OS. Below are some great reasons to upgrade Windows 10.

CONVENIENCE – If you were planning to purchase a new Windows PC, laptop, or tablet, CTL has models available with Windows 10 pre-installed. In addition, the touchscreen interface makes it an easy OS to use on a variety of devices.

SPEED – Windows 10 offers a fast start up, especially compared to Windows 7

START MENU – Many users requested the Start menu be reinstated after Windows 8 replaced it with a Start screen. When you upgrade to Windows 10, you’ll get your Start menu back and it will be touch enabled.

CORTANA – Windows 10 provides a handy voice-activated app called Cortana. Not only can Cortana enable you to use your technology hands-free by speaking commands such as “take a note” or “play music,” you can request more specific reminders such as “Remind me to buy milk when I’m near a supermarket.” Cortana’s notebook also keeps track of your interests and can keep you informed about local weather, traffic conditions, and sports scores.

UNIVERSAL APPS – Windows 10 comes with powerful productivity and media apps, including new Photos, Videos, Music, Maps, People, Mail, and Calendar. These apps work equally well as using touch or with traditional desktop and mouse set ups.

A BETTER BROWSER – Microsoft Edge, the default browser for Windows 10, offers improved compatibility and speed, as well as handy capabilities such as web page markup and reading mode. Microsoft Edge’s efficiency has shown it to be much less demanding on laptop and tablet batteries than other browsers.

If you have questions about upgrading to Windows 10 or CTL PCs, laptops, or tablets with Windows 10 pre-installed, contact CTL or your sales representative.

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