PocketLab Wireless Scientific Sensor for Education now available through CTL

PocketLab Wireless Scientific Sensor Enables Educators, Students and Makers to Easily Gather Data PocketLab, a wireless scientific sensor for exploring the world and building science experiments, is now available through CTL. PocketLab was built for the curious explorers, educators, students, and makers to bring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to life like never before. PocketLab connects […]
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PocketLab wireless scientific sensor

PocketLab Wireless Scientific Sensor Enables Educators, Students and Makers to Easily Gather Data

PocketLab, a wireless scientific sensor for exploring the world and building science experiments, is now available through CTL. PocketLab was built for the curious explorers, educators, students, and makers to bring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to life like never before. PocketLab connects with a single button to a smartphone, tablet, or Chromebook and instantly streams measurement data that can be seen and recorded. This wireless scientific sensor is intuitive to use and measures acceleration, force, angular velocity, magnetic field, pressure, altitude, and temperature. Using PocketLab’s cloud software, students can easily analyze data, create graphs and integrate data with other software. PocketLab is available through CTL for $98 and has the same features as lab equipment that costs thousands of dollars .

Using Bluetooth 4.0, PocketLab connects with a single button to an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet or Google Chromebook. Data displays and records in real time on any of these devices and students or educators can analyze data online through the PocketLab cloud. Data can be exported in CSV format to integrate into programs like Excel or Google Docs. PocketLab hardware includes:

  • Bluetooth Smart wireless connection
  • Approximately 100 ft. wireless range
  • Approximately 80 hours of operation on one coin cell battery (CR2032)
  • This wireless scientific sensor is just 2.65” long by .65” wide by 1.15” high and can withstand a 6 foot drop when using the protective case.

There are currently  25 labs and activities available on the PocketLab forum, a place for teachers to share cool activities, lessons and use cases that they tried with their students: http://support.thepocketlab.com/forum/explorers/school-curriculum. Many of the labs have YouTube videos with an explanation of the experiment and the expected results. The labs range in topic from projectile motion to the relationship between pressure and volume and pressure and temperature (ideal gas law).

Most of the 25 posted PocketLabs lessons are in alignment with Next Generation Science Standards, including MS-PS2 (http://www.nextgenscience.org/msps2-motion-stability-forces-interactions) and HS-PS2 (http://www.nextgenscience.org/hsps2-motion-stability-forces-interactions) Disciplinary Core Idea strands.


How PocketLab Works

PocketLab diagram

The PocketLab wireless scientific sensor specifications include:

  • Accelerometer: ± 8g range, 0.001 g resolution
  • Gyrocsope: ±2000 deg/sec range, 0.1 deg/sec resolution
  • Magnetometer: ± 1000 uT range, 0.1 uT resolution
  • Pressure: 300 to 110kPa range, 3 Pa (o.3 meters) resolution
  • Temperature: ± -30° to 85° C range, 1° C resolution
  • Data rate: up to 50 samples/sec
  • Runs on any PC, Mac, Chromebook, iOS or Android browser

With the PocketLab, students can record multiple sensor measurements simultaneously and use the built-in cloud software to store real-time data. It’s then easy to view and organize results in a timeline, add analysis, notes, photos and videos. Students can quickly share experiment data publicly or with a trusted group. This device integrates with Google Docs and Drive, making it easy for Chrome OS users.

To see a video of the PocketLab in action, visit: http://ctl.re/JqwLpG. For more information about the PocketLab, contact CTL or your sales representative today.



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