Webinar: Delivering Digital Learning Equity through Sustainability

Webinar: Delivering Digital Learning Equity through Sustainability

Join CTL and Jeff Mao of EdMoxie to learn how to enact a sustainable 1:1 Chromebook program that works for everyone. In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • The importance of services versus equipment in a 1:1 program
  • The natural progression of 1:1 program management
  • How to diagnose where to focus when your 1:1 isn’t going well
  • A case study of a Chrome-as-a-Service device rental program

Register and watch the webinar immediately. 

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K-12 schools and enterprise organizations in more than 55 countries rely on innovative CTL devices including Chromebooks, Chromebox, Google Meet, and peripheral equipment solutions.

As your end-to-end ChromeOS partner, CTL saves your IT team time, cost, and hassle by helping you create, deploy, and service your next Chromebook program innovation.