Rest Assured with CTL Fast Track Service for Education and Corporate Customers

Rest Assured with CTL Fast Track Service for Education and Corporate Customers

One area where CTL outshines the competition is with our unending dedication to providing our customers with unparalleled services and support. Our CTL Fast Track Program is a customer-focused service offering for qualified education organizations and corporations alike.
8 Ways To Deliver an Outstanding Distance Learning Experience Reading Rest Assured with CTL Fast Track Service for Education and Corporate Customers 4 minutes Next Make the Most Out of Google Chrome as an Educator

It’s no secret that CTL has long been dedicated to great products for education like our line of Ruggedized Chromebooks for education, our Chrome charging carts, and partnerships with numerous Education Software all seeking to encourage STEAM learning and create digital citizens of students across the US. We also offer cost-effective and high-performing products for our corporate customers like Chromeboxes, Chromebase 2-in-1's, enterprise Chromebooks and Chromebook Tablets. Furthermore, one area where CTL outshines the competition is with our unending dedication to providing our customers with unparalleled services and support.

You likely already know about our White Glove services which helps customers with speedy seamless Chromebook deployments, our vivid color logo printing to help with identification, and our great warranties and do-it-yourself repair center. We now introduce the CTL Fast Track Program, a customer-focused service offering for qualified education organizations and corporations alike.

Dedicated Chrome Specialists

The CTL Chrome Specialist team is adept at helping answer questions on all things Chrome. Need help with cloud print? Have questions about Google Classroom Management or G-Suite Enterprise? Curious what damage your warranty covers? Need to track your repairs? We have an awesome team of super helpful Chrome Specialists who are based in our Oregon headquarters, so you’ll never have to talk to someone overseas.

Free domestic shipping over 100 Units

We know that purchasing ed-tech and enterprise products are already an expense that is not to be taken lightly. In an effort to encourage accessibility to great CTL products for students and corporations across the US, we’ve got shipping covered for education and enterprise customers purchasing over 100 units.

2-way RMA Shipping for in-warranty products

In the event that something goes wrong with your CTL products, like accidental damage or product defects, CTL has your shipping covered both ways to send your products in for repairs in the first year of warranty. All repairs are done in CTL's primary Oregon service center, so you never have to worry about third-party repair issues.

5 day Guaranteed repair turn around

Being down one unit can be frustrating, and being down one unit for an unknown amount of time is even more frustrating. We know you have students to teach and a business to run, so we want you to be able to plan around repair time. For this reason, we’ve built a 5-day guarantee for repair turnarounds into our Fast Track program.

Self-service repair option for qualified education and enterprise customers

We appreciate the Do-It-Yourselfers and know that if you trust your IT departments, so do we! CTL has great self-repair options and repair parts for Chromebooks. Fix what you want, or leave it up to us, but you’ll love having the option to do Chromebook repairs on site.

Access to easily purchase spare parts

Of course, what self-service repair option would be complete without access to easily purchase spare parts for your Chromebooks? CTL has a wide variety of Chromebook parts for self-repairs. Need a new Camera module, touch LCD panel, battery, keyboard, or Touchpad ribbon? We’ve got you covered. Order with our fast shipping or keep bulk order to keep spare parts on hand for fast self-service repairs on your Chromebooks.

A smooth Chromebook deployment for your school or company is important, but being able to trust that your vendor stands behind their products and has your back when you need them is priceless. We know Chrome, we know education, and we know enterprise - so you can trust that with the CTL Fast Track service you and your students, staff or corporate employees are dealing with USA based qualified professionals who pick up the phone and are ready to help you manage your Chrome deployment.

Contact one of our awesome CTL Sales Reps who can answer all your questions about Chromebook options, deployments, warranty programs, and the Fast Track Program!

Looking to buy ChromeOS Devices in Volume?

CTL ChromeOS Solutions

K-12 schools and enterprise organizations in more than 55 countries rely on innovative CTL devices including Chromebooks, Chromebox, Google Meet, and peripheral equipment solutions.

As your end-to-end ChromeOS partner, CTL saves your IT team time, cost, and hassle by helping you create, deploy, and service your next Chromebook program innovation. 

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