CTL Expands Education Customer Warranty to include 2-way Shipping for Repairs

CTL Expands Education Customer Warranty to include 2-way Shipping for Repairs

Nevada Ready 21 (NR21) 1:1 Education Mobile Device Program Becomes Law after Successful 2nd Year Reading CTL Expands Education Customer Warranty to include 2-way Shipping for Repairs 2 minutes Next CTL Cyber Monday Savings

We are excited to tell you that we are expanding on CTL's warranty!  Effective November 01, 2017 CTL will now be including 2-way shipping service via call tag with our standard 1-year warranty for qualified education customers in the continental US.  This means, that if your machine requires service, CTL will now pay to ship both ways!   And to make it even better, we are retroactively applying this to existing machines that have a valid warranty.  This warranty expansion is only available on CTL branded Chromebooks and to Education customers.  (see the FAQ below regarding the details)

CTL already has one of the best warranty in the industry including a guaranteed 5 day turnaround time for a repair once we receive your product.  Additionally, we have a host of extended warranty options including accidental damage, theft, and warranty coverage up to 5 years.

We want to thank you for your continued business and we hope you will appreciate CTL's dedication to providing the best service and products in the industry.
You can learn more about our new 2-way cross shipping service in this FAQ: http://ctl.li/2zYIsdR. And you can read more about our warranty here: https://ctl.net/pages/warranty.

Feel free to check out our wide variety of education Chromebooks and affordable Chromeboxes.

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