CTL NL7TW Named as an ISTE 2018 Best of Show

CTL NL7TW Named as an ISTE 2018 Best of Show

Our products are revolutionary.

CTL continues to amaze with its innovative computers and technologies. We recently brought home the 2018 Best of Show award for our CTL NL7TW from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. It took place in Chicago where we were honored with Tech & Learning’s most prestigious award. We were recognized for being innovative as well as producing Chromebooks that are excellent and made of the highest quality.

ISTE Draws a Phenomenal Crowd Yearly

The ISTE Conference and Expo is known throughout the world as the most widely recognized and comprehensive conference dealing with educational technology. It draws a crowd of 16,000 people, which consists of company representatives, library media specialists, educators, policymakers, and coordinators of technology programs. The conference sets the stage for companies such as ours to introduce our products to attendees and explain what makes them ideal for classrooms.

The annual ISTE event sees thousands of entries each year. Tech companies, as well as programmers and designers, show off their products where they are judged and awarded accordingly. After rigorously testing the CTL Chromebook NL7TW, it was announced that our company won Best in Show. We will be featured in Tech & Learning magazine’s August issue.

To learn more about the event, interested parties can visit the ISTE website. There they will find all the information that they seek about the conference, its objectives, and cost. They’ll also learn more about what it takes to become a member and the different perks that come with membership.

There are Individual, Group, Affiliate, and Corporate members. You’ll feel right at home along with ISTE’s many members. It’s certainly worth looking into if you have an interest in technological teaching and learning opportunities for the classroom.

Being recognized by our peers is the height of all honors. We are so happy to bring a rugged Chromebook to K-12 classrooms where they get used daily. Adding to our success is knowing how crucial our products are in how students learn. Being part of the future of education is very important to us.

Who is CTL?

Our Portland, Oregon-based company manufactures innovative Chromebooks, laptops, desktop PCs, monitors, and servers that are sold to schools throughout the world. We’ve been in business since 1989 and pride ourselves in being forward-thinkers and problem-solvers. We take the idea of technological learning very seriously, and it shows in the amazing products that we create.

The CTL Advantage

See for yourself how our technologies transform classrooms. Take a look at our products to see which are best for you. CTL Chromebooks are durable, versatile, and future-ready. Give your students a distinct advantage by investing in technology that changes their lives.

Our CTL computers can revolutionize the teaching experience for you. They’re meant to simplify complex processes, provide students with a means of expressing themselves, and are a bonafide learning tool. Having a classroom with Chromebooks can significantly give students an advantage by providing them with access to a tool that changes the way they think about learning.

Looking to buy ChromeOS Devices in Volume?

CTL ChromeOS Solutions

K-12 schools and enterprise organizations in more than 55 countries rely on innovative CTL devices including Chromebooks, Chromebox, Google Meet, and peripheral equipment solutions.

As your end-to-end ChromeOS partner, CTL saves your IT team time, cost, and hassle by helping you create, deploy, and service your next Chromebook program innovation.