Google Jamboard Webinars and Resources

Google Jamboard Webinars and Resources

Google Jamboard is known for its interactive whiteboard system that works as part of Google Workspace. Whether you are in the classroom, office, or working from anywhere - the Jamboard makes interaction more efficient and intuitive. Check out the following webinars and tutorials to learn from BENQ and Google on how to get the most out of your Jamboard.


Google Jamboard is known for its interactive whiteboard system that works as part of Google Workspace. You might have seen a Jamboard (it’s pretty hard to miss!) and makes online collaboration easier than ever by integrating cross-platform support throughout Google apps. Whether you are in the classroom, office, or working from anywhere - the Jamboard makes interaction more efficient and intuitive. Want to learn more about the Jamboard and all it has to offer? Check out the following webinars and tutorials to learn from BENQ and Google on how to get the most out of your Jamboard.


From Cloud to Classroom Part I: How To Keep Students Engaged


From Cloud to Classroom Part II: How To Keep Students Engaged


BenQ webinars offers a two-part series to help users in getting better acquainted with Jamboard, how to use Jamboard on various platforms, and how to create a Jam. Learn more about best practices and get more insight on how to best utilize Google Jamboards.

Google Jamboard Webinar: EDU On Air

Join the G Suite for Education team to dive deeper into understanding the innovation of Google Jamboard. Meet the creators and original team members of the Jamboard, reasons for the invention of the Jamboard and how to effectively use it in both K-12 and higher education or work spaces. 

Jamboard 101: Webinar with BENQ 

If you are new to Jamboard and need a rundown on the subject and how to get started - the Jamboard 101 webinar with BENQ will guide you through the basic features of Jamboard, the uses and value propositions that Jamboard has to offer. Learn how to best interact with a Jamboard, how to get connected, how to share content, and more. 

Jamboard Webinar with BENQ: Design Thinking

BENQ's Jamboard team discusses design thinking and the core of it to take these applied principles and leverage them with Google Jamboard. Learn how to practically use design thinking and how it can benefit your approach to challenges and providing solutions. BENQ provides various resources to enhance design thinking and how to incorporate it into Jamboard use and apply to the decision making process. 


For a limited time, CTL is offering 50% off of the Google Jamboard and $400 off the stand to qualified education customers! For $2,499 (management licensing fees not included), CTL takes care of everything including free shipping. Qualified enterprise customers can score a Jamboard for around $1,900 than its $5,000 price tag. 

Interested in purchasing Jamboards? Check out how to get your hands on Google Jamboards today at! If interested in bulk purchasing, please contact us today. 

Customers visiting this page often also visit this page about Google Jamboard.

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