Customers Can Take a Demo Device for a Test Drive with CTL's Buy and Try Program

Customers Can Take a Demo Device for a Test Drive with CTL's Buy and Try Program

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If your school or organization is like most, you want to evaluate a new device such as a Chromebook before commiting to a large valume purchase. It provides the IT department, workers, staff, teachers, and even students an opportunity to "kick the tires" to see if the device is suitable for the demands of everyday use. 

But, there's the hassle of sourcing the demo device, tracking it, and then returning it to the supplier (if you can find it). Well, there's a better way with CTL's Buy and Try program.

If you've been curious about CTL devices for your Chromebook program, now is the perfect time to take it for a test drive with our Buy and Try demo device program. We offer a single unit at 60% off so that you can take it for a spin, try it out, even take it apart -- and keep it. 

This program means you can skip the hassle of keeping track of a unit to return after trial and ensures your future volume purchase will fit your needs. Check it out to see if it is right for you:

Who qualifies?

Customers who plan on volume purchasers of 30+ devices from thes following categories qualify for the CTL Buy and Try program:

  • Education
  • Government
  • Non-profit
  • Enterprise

What products qualify?

These CTL product types qualify for the discounted evaluation unit:

Ready for a test drive? 

Talk to your account manager about our Buy and Try program or go here.

Looking to buy ChromeOS Devices in Volume?

CTL ChromeOS Solutions

K-12 schools and enterprise organizations in more than 55 countries rely on innovative CTL devices including Chromebooks, Chromebox, Google Meet, and peripheral equipment solutions.

As your end-to-end ChromeOS partner, CTL saves your IT team time, cost, and hassle by helping you create, deploy, and service your next Chromebook program innovation.