Purchase Contracts Explained: How Schools Can Buy More EdTech (Like Chromebooks) for Less

Purchase Contracts Explained: How Schools Can Buy More EdTech (Like Chromebooks) for Less

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The landscape of education funding has shifted dramatically. With the expiration of federal pandemic relief funds, declining enrollments, slowing state revenues, inflation pressures, and rising staffing costs, school districts are facing unprecedented financial challenges. Yet, the need for digital equity – encompassing devices, connectivity, accessibility, and literacy – remains paramount. Schools are now tasked with finding creative solutions to maintain essential EdTech purchases, like Chromebooks, to ensure continued access to digital learning for all students. One powerful tool available to districts is public purchasing contracts.

At the recent TCEA Conference in Austin, Texas, CTL collaborated with the Texas BuyBoard to deliver a presentation on how schools can strategically leverage these contracts to maximize their purchasing power and acquire more EdTech for less. This blog post recaps the key takeaways from that session.

The Perfect Storm: Funding Challenges in Education

The current financial climate presents a significant hurdle for schools. The loss of pandemic relief funding has coincided with a confluence of other factors, creating a “perfect storm” of budgetary constraints. Falling enrollments impact per-pupil funding allocations while slowing state revenues further tightens the purse strings. Simultaneously, schools are grappling with increased staffing costs and the pervasive effects of inflation, stretching already limited budgets even thinner. Despite these challenges, the digital divide persists, and schools are under immense pressure to maintain and expand their EdTech infrastructure to ensure equitable access to digital learning.

Public Purchasing Contracts: A Solution for Schools

In this environment, public purchasing contracts offer a lifeline. These contracts, often facilitated through purchasing cooperatives, provide a mechanism for schools to access competitively priced goods and services, streamlining the procurement process and saving valuable time and resources.

Understanding BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative

Marisa Vickery of the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), explained that they established BuyBoard as a means of supporting and serving public schools, municipalities, county governments, and other local government agencies and nonprofits in Texas. BuyBoard’s mission is to deliver several key benefits to its members, including:

  • Competitive pricing

  • A trusted and transparent procurement process

  • Reduced administrative costs

  • Superior service

What is a Purchasing Cooperative and How Does it Save Money and Time?

Marisa defined BuyBoard as a purchasing cooperative, a group purchasing organization where governmental entities like public schools join as members. The cooperative then conducts the procurement process on behalf of all its members, leveraging their collective buying power to negotiate favorable pricing and contract terms.

Purchases through a cooperative are authorized when both the customer and the vendor agree, in good faith, that the product or service can be purchased under the vendor's contract award using taxpayer dollars, and the purchase is duly reported to the cooperative.

BuyBoard goes a step further by providing rebates to its Texas members, further enhancing cost savings and supporting public education.

What Can You Purchase Through the BuyBoard Purchasing Co-op?

The range of products and services available through BuyBoard contracts is extensive, covering virtually every need a school district might have. Here are just a few examples:

  • 661-22 | Technology Equipment, Products, Services & Software

  • 663-22 | Assistive Technology Products, Related Services

  • 692-23 | Software as a Service (SaaS), Cybersecurity Assessments, Related Products & Services

  • 718-23 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Surveillance Services

  • 739-24 | Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies

  • 748-24 | Instructional Materials (Non-Adopted) for PK-12, Special Education, Career & Technology

  • 749-24 | Instructional Technology Equipment and Related Services (this is the category for CTL Chromebooks)

All of BuyBoard’s 95+ contracts are competitively procured in accordance with Texas Purchasing Laws and approved by the Cooperative Board, ensuring transparency and compliance.

How Do Discounts and Rebates Work?

The power of purchasing cooperatives lies in their ability to aggregate the spending power of numerous entities. This collective bargaining power allows members, both large and small, to access better pricing on essential products, equipment, and services. With over 5,500 Texas members, BuyBoard represents a significant purchasing force. In 2024 alone, BuyBoard provided over $13 million in rebates to its Texas members.

BuyBoard provides tabulation sheets that list awarded vendor discounts. Vendors can offer greater discounts than those listed, but they cannot offer lesser discounts. Purchasing can be done either directly with the vendor (like CTL) or through the BuyBoard website, depending on the specific purchase process.

The minimum discount CTL offers for Texas BuyBoard contract members is 3%. This number can be reduced through volume purchasing, bundles, and special CTL promotional offers. 

To purchase on a BuyBoard or other public purchasing contract, work directly with your vendor (ex: CTL) or visit the purchase contract website, depending on your purchase process. 

Additional Resources and Strategies for Stretching Your Budget

BuyBoard offers a wealth of resources to help schools navigate the purchasing process, including BuyBoard News & Updates, advisories on purchasing with federal funds and technology/software-related products and services, and access to Texas BuyBoard Consultants. Schools can sign up for BuyBoard membership at www.buyboard.com.

Beyond leveraging purchasing cooperatives, schools can explore other strategies to maximize their EdTech budgets:

  • Get creative with funding: Explore options like McKinney-Vento Act funding.

  • Consider refurbished Chromebooks: Refurbished devices can be a cost-effective solution for testing and paraprofessionals.

  • Reduce Chromebook breakage: Investing in durable cases, implementing cart-based systems, or limiting take-home devices to upper grades can reduce the need for costly repairs and spares.

  • Reexamine warranty needs: Carefully assess your warranty requirements to avoid paying for unnecessary coverage. Review CTL’s warranty options. 

  • Work with vendors who offer customized programs: Partner with vendors like CTL who can tailor solutions to your specific needs, allowing you to pay only for what you require. For example, CTL’s flexible post-warranty Accident Packs provide coverage for any CTL device, never expire, and are not tied to serial numbers, offering schools greater flexibility and cost control.

By combining strategic purchasing practices with creative funding solutions and smart device management, schools can ensure they are maximizing their resources and providing students with the essential technology they need to succeed in the digital age.

Learn more about the BuyBoard purchasing contracts

View all CTL public purchasing contracts


Related search terms and information:

Chromebooks, Chromebook, Public Purchasing Contracts, Texas BuyBoard, BuyBoard, CTL

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