April K103 Honor Roll Dayna Strozinsky

April K103 Honor Roll Dayna Strozinsky

We believe that technology has the power to transform students and their experiences in the classroom. That's why we have partnered with K103 and Concordia University through the K103 Honor Roll program to recognize and support outstanding teachers in the Portland area who have created vibrant classrooms of impactful learning. Every month of the 2018/2019 school year, CTL has presented a $2500 technology grant to the recognized teacher to help them continue to shape our kids into future world leaders.

This past April, Dayna Strozinsky, a 4th grade teacher at Chief Joseph Elementary School, was recognized as our Honor Roll teacher. Ms. Stro, as she is called by her students, has over 35 years of teaching experience and was nominated by a record number of people for the award. Her nominators said she "takes the time to know every one of her kids", "gives 110% every day", and "pushes everyone to be their best".

We wanted to know more about her teaching philosophy, her thoughts on technology in the classroom, and how she would use her $2500 CTL technology grant. 

Q: In your classroom specifically, how do you use technology for the benefit of your students?

A: We use technology in a number of ways! One is to gather and use data. Since our 4th grade state tests and assessments are done on computers, it gives me useful data to understand how my students are doing and who needs more support. The second is using technology for research and writing, which I believe helps students feel comfortable and confident and prepares them well for higher education. 

Q: How will you use the CTL technology grant for your classroom?

My principal let me be part of the decision making, and we decided to buy Chromebooks for the classroom. I'm so excited that my students have access to them throughout the day, and for all subjects!

Q: What is at the heart of your teaching philosophy?

A: I set high expectations so that all of my students will be successful both inside and outside the classroom. I also think it's important to show love and care so that students are ready for what comes next, academically, as well as in everyday life.

Teachers like Ms. Stro are truly making a difference and a lasting impression on students' lives. We're proud to be a part of recognizing them and giving the gift of technology through the Honor Roll program.  If you know an outstanding Educator in the Portland, Oregon metro area, nominate them for the K103 Honor Roll here. To learn more about CTL and CTL products, you can visit our website.

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