Green Business Bureau

CTL Becomes Member of Green Business Bureau

Part of our company mission at CTL is to improve our sustainability efforts and environmental footprint. We are now a member of the Green Business Bureau and can continue to implement improved initiatives in providing more sustainability throughout our business practices! Read more about ways we are improving our sustainability efforts. 

Here at CTL it has been a part of our company mission to improve our sustainability efforts and environmental footprint. We are proud to announce that CTL is now a member of the Green Business Bureau and can continue to implement improved initiatives in providing more sustainability throughout our business practices. Anywhere from working with supply chains and distributors also making a commitment in advancing their sustainability efforts, to creating fun and innovative ways throughout the community to engage and encourage sustainable accessibility. For example, CTL’s headquarters in Beaverton has an employee eBike check-out program to encourage employees in reducing their carbon footprint.

Working with the Green Business Bureau in making sure our company standards at CTL are in line with our sustainability commitments has helped us to identify which resources have room for improvement and which have been contributing to ongoing success. The program is focused on continuous improvement involving company sustainability performance and staying on track with initiatives to help the environment. 

For a complete breakdown of CTL’s completed Green Business Bureau initiatives and more, please visit To learn more about CTL’s sustainability initiatives, read more here

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