PocketLab Weather for your Chromebooks for Education

PocketLab Weather for your Chromebooks for Education

Why does lightning strike? What is global warming? Why is the grass wet in the morning? Answering students’ science questions just got a little cooler with PocketLab Weather, a tiny portable weather sensor that measures temperature, humidity, light, barometric pressure, altitude, heat index, and dew point.

From global to local, it’s hard to avoid talk of climate and weather in news and media, and chances are your students have been curious about climate change and weather systems. Now PocketLab Weather can help you explore those answers in the classroom. This smart little weather sensor fits in even the smallest hands, but allows students to track, monitor, and see real-time weather and climate information.

PocketLab Weather Features:

PocketLab Weather connects via BlueTooth 4.0 to allow the sending of information wirelessly to the PocketLab app on your education Chromebook. You can view, graph, store, and export data for real-time learning and data sharing in the classroom.

PocketLab Weather also has the ability for measuring temperature via a plug-in external probe. The probe accurately reads the temperature, so dip the probe in liquids, measure temperatures inside the classroom, fridge, soil and so much more.

This small but powerful device boasts on-Board Memory which records up to 30,000 data readings and has a wireless range of 250 ft with a 6ft durable drop protection.

With a rechargeable internal battery, the light rugged sensor is great for taking on a hike for earth science lessons. Now students can measure the barometric pressure and altitude change while hiking up a hill on a field trip.

PocketLab: Community Beyond the Classroom

For weather monitoring beyond the classroom, there is an awesome online community with lesson plans and experiments that you can use your Pocketlab Weather light, temperature, heat transfer works, or to study climate and share data with others around the world. With lesson plans like creating and monitoring climate change in a bottle these classroom lessons have never been more applicable to real-world learning.

Instill a deep understanding of climate and weather patterns in your students for years to come with PocketLab Weather.

PocketLab and PocketLab Weather is available for purchase on the CTL website, and also is an option for our 1:1 program participants! Contact a CTL Sales rep today to get more information on getting PocketLab devices for your student’s Chromebook!



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